Pillow Fatigued

Have you been struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep? Do you wake up with a sore or stiff neck? Is your pillow no longer keeping its shape? Do you remember the last time you bought a new pillow? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's time to replace your pillow. The average American now sleeps less than 7 hours according to a recent Princeton University study. Sleep is the backbone and foundation for an active, healthy & productive lifestyle. If you're struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep, upgrading your pillow is the easiest place to start.

Does the pillow fit your sleeping position?

Much like trying on a new pair of shoes, a dress, or your wedding tuxedo, getting fitted and matched to the right pillow loft can dramatically improve your quality of sleep. If you're a stomach sleeper, you'll want a slimmer profile pillow. To keep your spine and neck in alignment, a thin pillow is best. If you're in the majority of people and sleep on your back, a medium or contour pillow is recommended. A medium height pillow cradles and supports the shoulder blades while maintaining the natural curves of a sleeping body.

If you sleep on your side, a high or medium-profile pillow is suggested. High profile pillows allow your hips to settle in the correct spinal alignment. If you wake up with a stiff neck, sore arm, or can't fall asleep for hours, make sure your pillow is fitted to your sleep style. An incorrect pillow fit can prevent you from getting the spine in correct alignment.  Unsure of your pillow fit?


Is your pillow worn down?

The average pillow today needs to be changed out every 1-2 years. Over time, a pillowcase will accumulate dead skin, oils, and makeup stains. Not only will a pillowcase accumulate dead skin but it can cause acne and attract bed bugs. If you have a memory foam or latex pillow, the core can break down over time, causing your pillow to lose its shape. When shopping for a pillow, make sure that the pillow cover is removable and is washable, you don't want to have a pillow you can't clean. All of the pillows at I ❤️ Pillow are machine washable and come equipped with a removable cover for washing, extending the life of your pillow. At I ❤️ Pillow, we stand behind our unique memory foam construction that along with a 3-year manufacturer warranty comes with a product registration card.

More and more, people are replacing their cars, upgrading their phones and, their wardrobes, but when was the last time you upgraded your bedding? The average person spends 1/3 of their life sleeping. Investing in a high-quality pillow pays off immensely. A good night of sleep improves the quality of your mood, restores creativity, and reduces stress. If you find yourself unable to get a good night's sleep and continue counting sheep, look to upgrade your pillow.